Share our spark with the world

Hi there!

We produce content that helps people smash their self-doubt, kick bad habits, and banish shitty mindsets —all with a good laugh.

Check out our media kit for more information and opportunities to work with us.

Who We Are


Legend says a spunky goofball with unbound love for animals was born to love all dogs, live among them, and give them the perfect pet every time. Her name, Wendy.

A sincere and empathetic listener in tune with her emotions, Wendy always knows how to bring the best out of people, while entertaining them with her quirks and extraordinary talent in art and photography. Her attentiveness, resourcefulness, and upbeat personality, born out of her unique background and experiences, make her the friend we all want to have in our lives.



From early on in his life, Juan knew he was destined for greatness —and then proceeded to waste his time watching YouTube.

Juan is an entrepreneur, writer, and mentor turned podcaster coming from the corporate world to discover how to live life purposefully while having fun. Borrowing wisdom from his experiences building businesses, coaching entrepreneurs, counseling friends, and being a husband, friend, and father figure, Juan dedicates his time to write about Passion, Meaning, Self-development, Leadership, Relationship, and Mental Health.


Our audience of diverse young adults and people on different journeys of growth and self-discovery is very supportive, engaged, and passionate about learning how to nurture their growth, explore themselves, and find meaning in their lives.

We put a lot of thought and care into the content and collaborations we craft for our partners. So if you feel like we are a good fit for your brand or company, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’ll be happy to discuss what we can do for you!


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Are you looking to collaborate?

We are thrilled to collaborate with you and build something extraordinary for your audience.

Be it podcasting, blogging, guest writing, speaking or any exciting projects you want collaborate on, our tools and expertise are always at your disposal.

impossible list

Are you looking to tap into our audience?

We want you to succeed because your success is our success. So we are excited to help you uncover how to tap into and activate our audience of young adults through unique and engaging content-centered brand partnerships.